Inspired Daughters

Aspiring to Inspire

Tag: rebuilding the ruins

Weeping for the Broken: Part 4.4

Rebuilding the Ruins: The Broad Wall or Refiner’s Fire

In Weeping for the Broken 4.3, we begin rebuilding the New Gate. It’s the process of beginning to practice our belief and stepping, or growing, into the newness of life. You know how the “old things have passed away and all things become new.” Another way of saying this is that the old self is put away and we become a new person. We begin rebuilding ourselves with the help and guidance of God’s word. It is the very beginning process of being rooted and grounded in the Lord. Now, in these next few verses, we are going to look a little deeper into the refining of our characters as we witness the rebuilding of the Broad Wall.

The Broad Wall: A Little Bit of History

In Nehemiah 3:8, we see that there is this broad wall in the process of being rebuilt. What is this Broad Wall that seems to be getting so much attention? The Broad Wall is a wall unlike the other walls surrounding Jerusalem. This wall is a very thick wall, about seven and a half yards thick. The other walls were not thick like this one. This wall was built during the war between Hezekiah and Senacharib in the late 8th Century B. C.,  and in saying that, there were houses that were torn down in order to build this wall up. (Isaiah 22:9, 10) Another thing that happened when this wall was originally built was that it shut off part of Jerusalem. Only the part of Jerusalem behind this wall was protected at the time it was originally built. 

The Refiner’s Fire in Our Homes

Did you notice that homes were torn apart to rebuild the Broad Wall? It’s now time in our journey when we start sharing our faith with our family. Our family members are the ones who are closest to us and have known us all of our lives. They have been watching us as we have been going through the process of repentance and salvation in our lives. They have observed us witnessing to others in the community about this deeper faith of ours. They have lots of questions and some of those questions are not very nicely addressed. They don’t understand the changes in us. As we seek to respond in a fair way, we begin experiencing trials.

My Refiner’s Fire at Home

I remember when I began experiencing this refiner’s fire for the first time in my home. I was about twelve years old at the time. I had a foul mouth and I talked like everyone around me. I began experiencing these convicting feelings within myself. At that moment, when these feelings began, I decided that I wanted to quit cussing and talking like my peers. So I did just that. It was hard enough to change my language, but it was even harder when my family members questioned my identity as a result of it. I was labeled, “Miss Goody Two-Shoes,” and I was teased about being high and mighty. It was a struggle to continue with that good thing that God was working out in me. I continued to follow through with what I was feeling convicted to do. I learned that I could be okay talking clean around my peers and that they would just get used to the new me in time. It was just one small part of the refining of my character.

My Refiner’s Fire in the Local Community

Another time when I experienced this Refiner’s Fire was when I was attending a local community college and I had this great desire to grow spiritually. I decided that in my English classes, I would choose to write about things that would increase my spiritual growth. The one subject that my teacher and I agreed upon was the subject of The Holy Grail. I did all the research and learned about what people classify as the Holy Grail. I even learned about leaders in history who sought it out because they thought that Christ would impart special fountain-of-youth kind of powers into it. I got to the last paper that I was to write and I suddenly didn’t know what the truth was even though I knew what it was just a few days ago. I prayed and cried for two days asking God to reveal the truth to me. It was just a few hours before my paper was due and as I prayed again, reminding God that my paper was due, He showed me the truth so fast that I grabbed my computer and wrote it all down and completed my paper just in time. The truth that I learned was that The Holy Grail is a waste of time and effort. The true Holy Grail, if there is such a thing, is faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith does not belong to any object or any other person.

Purpose of the Refiner’s Fire

Every Refiner’s Fire trial that I have ever been through was meant to establish a righteous character and a righteous way of thinking. They were trials meant for my learning and overcoming. Most of all, Refiner’s Fire Trials are meant to increase and establish our faith in Christ. God is silent at times during trials and He works miracles at other times. Sometimes I have had a bitter heart toward the trials and have had to seek help to get to the place where I can walk forward in peace. Other times, I have experienced peace and joy during trials. 

What About You? 

Have you ever had those Refiner’s Fire moments when you realized that you had to learn something and grow in the face of adversity? Has it left you with healing and peace? Or has it left you with a bitter heart that you can’t seem to move forward from?

Tell me about your Refiner’s Fire Trial by writing to me at [email protected].

Weeping for the Broken: Part 4.2

Rebuilding the Ruins – Continued

In Weeping for the Broken part 4a, we discovered that the first place that rebuilding began was at the Sheep Gate which represents repairing our relationship with Jesus. This is the first thing that must happen in order for our restoration to be successful. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. As we began building our relationship with Jesus, and started learning how to listen to His voice, He walked us through the beginning process of building up the boundaries in our lives. Last of all, we saw how the towers that we began building were representative of putting on the armor of God discussed in Ephesians 6. Today, we are continuing where we left off. 

The Fish Gate

In Nehemiah 3:3, they begin to rebuild the Fish Gate. Look with me for a moment. It says, “They laid the beams, and set up its doors, and installed its bolts and bars.” (NLT) In personal healing, this is when as we have begun to walk with Jesus, that He begins to establish the principle of service within us. This is where I ended the Weeping for the Broken part 4a.

Follow Me

The Fish Gate is the place where Jesus calls us to follow Him. He has been our Good Shepherd in working in restoring our relationship with Him. Maybe we are still not to that place of complete healing yet. Do you remember when Jesus met with Simon (Peter) and Andrew as they were throwing a net into the water while they were fishing? He invited them to follow Him and He would make them fishers of men. 

Rebuilding the ruins of the Fish Gate

While Jesus calls us into this new life of rebuilding the ruins, He begins rebuilding the mental, emotional, and spiritual structure within us. He shows us the love that He has for us and begins setting up divine appointments for us to share how His love is healing us. That’s not all. Can you even imagine what the bolts and bars might be? 

The Bars

If you look back at Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 30, there’s this amazing picture of God bringing His people out of oppression and He brings them to a place where He begins telling them about what relationship is with Him. Both of these stories are rebuilding the foundations of a healthy relationship with Jesus and with our neighbors (the people near us at any given time.) I’m going to give these bars another name. They are tools in relational living that are the foundation of living at peace with ourselves, with God, and with others. Some people might refer to them as a type of board of education. This is also the place of learning how to care for ourselves and how it is a protection barring anything or anyone who seeks to do harm. 

The Bolts

A modern word for bolt is lock. To ‘bolt the bars of the gates’ is the same thing as saying ‘to lock the doors.’ How do we lock in all this stuff that God is teaching us? We make decisions. When we’ve been through some kind of life experience that has broken us down, we become aware of an indecisive pattern in us and now as we begin getting help with a new foundation in learning how to care for ourselves, we are brought to moments where we find ourselves being faced with decisions about self-protection. Proverbs chapter 4 is all about wisdom and how to get it. Listen to what this father tells his son in verse 13: “Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.” 

The Helpers

Not everyone who comes into your life to help you will have the desire to do so even though God is calling on them for that purpose. In Nehemiah chapter 3, verses 4 and 5, we see a list of helpers who have come to rebuild the Fish Gate. In verse 4, we see that the helpers are doing the work that they came to do. However, when we look at verse 5, we see that these other laborers who were called are not working enthusiastically. In fact, they have attitudes that do not reflect the love of Jesus. It states that they are not working with the construction supervisors.


People, including leaders in your life, who are not focused on building up their brothers and sisters in Christ, are a distraction. If you experience people who come to help you and they are doing more harm than good, realize that they are distractions from the work that you are working so hard to do for healing and restoration. I have found that I needed to make sure that my focus was not on the people who were not interested in rebuilding a healthy relationship. Instead, I have found that I needed to walk away from those relationships and keep my eyes focused on the plans and purposes that God has revealed to me through His Holy Spirit. 

Construction Supervisors

So who are these construction supervisors? These are the people in your life who are for restoration and rebuilding. They are people who are willing to help you rebuild the broken down gates in your life. They are the counselors, pastors, teachers, friends, family, church members who have learned how to help you with kindness, love, and compassion. You will know who these people are when you meet them. 

What About Your Fish Gate?

Have you been on a journey of rebuilding the ruins of relationships in your life? How is Jesus leading you? Has He brought you to begin making decisions for yourself in ways that you were not able to before? Has Jesus lead you to begin telling others of the wonderful things He has done for you? Tell me about it in the comments or write to me at [email protected].

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